I couldn't help but think of Paul Simon's song 'Mother and Child Reunion', but just showing my age.
Yes another fine summers day on the coast in North West England.
With a half hour lunch managed a few bandits in the rain (I'm a laugh in, I'm a sing in... in the rain, hence the title! Nevermind).
A family of young Avocets (3) growing up and feeding for themselves while mum and dad went ballistic with aerial gymnastics if any gull dared to approach. So Avocets in the rain, sedge warbler singing his head off, Swifts bombing the footpath (looking for insects in a sheltered location), Linnet and Meadow Pipit, (near the car park) while a Grey Heron took on an eel for lunch. Eventually being pursued by another. Godwits, Redshank and a lone Wigeon. Swallows and of course Black-Headed Gulls et al. There was a Curlew Sandpiper and Little Stint apparently, but I couldn't really see it, even through the RSPB scope in the grey, sodden, overcast conditions. There was a smudge on the horizon... does that count?

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