For once the sun was out...
A buzzard dived and harrassed by a single... carrion crow? |
Juvenile Coot always look like something else, dunno what though |
Male Garganey, a shy creature |
Female Black Tailed Godwit |
Male Black Tailed Godwit |
Male Black Tailed Godwit |
Maurading cows with Godwits |
Grey Partridge |
Juvenile Lapwing |
Adult Lapwing disturbed by marauding cows |
Redshank |
Adult Shoveler |
Skylark |
Swallow |
Swallow |
It has been a funny year down at Newton Marsh so far this year, I don't know, it just has been different. I think the artificially high water didn't help in earlier months. Perhaps not only more traffic, literally but also 'on foot'. The male Garganey has attracted new visitors of homo sapiens and now the water has dropped and the birds can 'dabble' and feed a relatively broad number of bird species are around. Everyone tends to focus on the marsh but there is also plenty to see here and there on the periphery etc. The best time is pre or post traffic and now the days are longer an early start is possible and can be rewarding. Late evening visits are often compromised by additional visitors and the sun setting straight on in full face, you don't want to be looking straight into the sun with binoculars!
Does that Carrion Crow harrassing the buzzard look 'big', it does to me, looking at the photo again. Maybe it's the angle. Any comments? Juvenile Coots are just plain ugly and don't look as if they will grow into their adult form! The male Garganey is apparently a secretive bird and it certainly hasn't wanted its photograph taking when I have been there, always keping a good distance away, but appears very relaxed, dabbling all the time before departing to the reed beds. Often feeing in the company of Shoveler. There are about 60–70 Godwits about, often feeding down towards the far end, Freckleton but occassionally one or two come within range... unless as I encountered; a gentleman in shorts and white tee shirt decides to promenade alng the fenceline. "Nice Spot this" he commented as everything disappeared over the horizon... I had to enlighten him that it was even better when the birds weren't disturbed, there ended my visit. These are a compilation of images taken from a couple of visits, one being before the milkman was up! Looking out of my window, we seem to have stair-rods and further rain forecast all week, looks like getting out this week will be problematic.
Oh and one final comment, I have lots of excellent photos of birds taken at Newton Marsh with out of focus wire fencing right through the middle of them.
1 comment:
Nice images again Geoff,I always find Newton Marsh better early morning with the sun behind you and often very little wind,and also very little traffic.
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