I had saved all my petrol tokens for the last week or so and with the threat on another on-coming bank holiday decided a trip to 'the Trough might be in order. I also wondered about what might be on the hills after the Dotterel had been about. At one time I had walked a lot of the fells, in the Trough, Lakes and Scotland... however that was some time ago. A testing walk might be in order... I didn't get far!
The Grockles were out in the streams and the sand bank that was a favourite of the Sand Martins was beset by them, so that was out of the question. As expected the Lapwing, Oystercatcher, Pied Wagtails and Curlew were all about. I came across this pipit sat on the fence and although it is probably a Meadow it just didn't 'look right'. Any comments appreciated. Three Buzzards were in the air and crossed from one fell to another in seconds on what would have been a four hour yomp!
On the lower slopes I spent some time with a Wheatear, believing to be the same bird seen more than once on the fellside. As you know dear reader I like to bird watch and it was interesting watching this bird. I've noticed how Wheatears in general like to find 'vantage points' where they can keep a look out. This bird was happy to look for food and seemed to be grabbing beetles should one be foolish enough to make a move – the Wheatear running across the grass to grab it's prize. Apparently bees are not on the menu (see photo). Often the bird would run in my direction chasing food, only to be a few metres away, so my presence didn't appear to unduly affect the bird. I also noticed they like to cock their heads to one side and look skyward, quite why I don't know. If anyone has any interesting pointers or suggestions for greater reading I would be pleased to hear from you.
So the attached are predominently an attempt to provide a brief visual study of this excellent subject. I have to say I was more than a little cream-crackered after a short walk up a slight incline... not good! As you will know I photographed Wheatears the week before over at Rossall and now here they were on the fellside (hence the title of this post)... I'm still not 100% convinced that is a Meadow Pipit... any comments?
On the way home I came across three Greylag Goslings in the road while the parents were going ballistic on the other side of a double fence 'rabbit proofed' with no way back so I lent a helping hand.
Meadow Pipit – looks 'odd' to me... |
Wheatear in context |
Typical landscape |
Any vantage point |
Hunting |
Seen something |
which becomes lunch |
Bees apparently not on the menu |
look up left |
check |
look up right |
rear view |
on a rock |
keeping an eye out |
Nice capture and nice blog!
Some nice pics Geoff of which I 'nicked' the Wheatear above with the view of seeing it on another blog some time soon, all with your permission of course.
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